Sunday, April 20, 2014

Funny From A Prophet

There is a hilarious part of "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" I want to share with you... (Goona be a little slaughtered, so watch the film for yourself, it's a good one)

Joseph Smith is beating a rug outside for Emma. A male friend comes by and says, "People see what you do and it's not right for a man of your station to be doing menial chores."
Joseph Smith replies with, "If there is anything out of order with the house, don't you think the head of house should take care of it?"
Friend says, "My wife takes care of these sort of things at my house. If you want I can have her come talk to Sister Emma?"
Joseph Smith laughs and asks, "How long have you been married?"
Friend says, "3 years next month."
Joseph says, "That long huh? May I give you a bit of advice? God intends for it to be a lot longer, forever as a matter of fact. If a man hasn't helped her in this life, what makes you think she'll want him in the next?"
Next day, Joseph and Emma see this friend beating a rug for his wife in the yard :) Joseph says, "That's a wise man there." :)


JS said...

I love it! I will have to watch that I am not sure if I have seen it before.

Kaeloni said...

haha! too funny