It all started 2 years ago...
She had turned 18 months and so we bought her a pink potty and training pants. We left them out just so she could see them and hope they sparked her interest.
It took a little while until she wanted to try things but eventually she was interested. We started placing her on the potty several times a day. Then we started placing her on there at specific times during the day (before and after baths, etc). This lasted a couple months until she started actually going on it. We were happy!
Even though she would go those specific times, she was still wearing a diaper and going in it the rest of the time. So we bought her panties and put them on her occasionally. She would still pee and poop in her panties quite regularly.
After this went on for a while, I finally was done changing pee diapers and panties so I put her in the panties all day everyday. She started fully peeing on the potty in 2 days! I was so happy!
So now she was wearing panties all day except when she had to poop (Which she would tell us) and for bedtimes. We were like this for quite a while.
Then we tried many different ways to make her go poop on the potty, all of which failed at some point. But I jumped on this 2 weeks ago.
She said she was done with diapers so we threw them away. But she was really constipated cause of how much she would hold her poop, so we gave her stool softener, nothing. Fed her fiber, nothing. She had not pooped in weeks, so we went to mineral oil. No matter how hard he tried to hold it, out it came! But she would cry the whole time. So I came up with a rewards system:
-she pees: small candy
-she gets a small poop out: big candy
-she gets a big poop out: BBW had sanitizer (she loves them)
-she goes poop without crying: a hair bow/flower
It's been less than a week since I did this and she now poops quickly and without crying on a regular basis :) So nice to be at the end of our first potty training journey... :)
GO NAY NAY!!! :)
As you mentioned it certainly is a process!! But way to go laneah!! How exciting.
Glad she's getting it! I HATE potty training! By far the worst part of parenting thus far for me!
Totally agree Kaeloni!
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