Friday, January 31, 2014

The Latest With Us :)

He is almost done with school! So far he is loving and doing well this semester :)

She has been pee potty trained for a while now but has had trouble with the poo part. So we are following the steps by a doctor to help with that:
1: Let them poop in their diaper (Which we do)
2: Have them poop in their diaper IN the bathroom (The step we are on)
3: Have them poop in their diaper ON the toilet with the lid down
4: Have them poop in their diaper on the toilet with the lid UP
5: Have them poop in their diaper WITH a hole in it with the lid up
6: Have them poop like a big kid :)

He is starting to sign A LOT! He is signing "more" and "please" all the time! He still only says "daddy" : P

I am homeschooling Laneah and loving it!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hello Again Blogger!

I had stopped Blogger and went to Facebook.

 But I realized I miss the creativity that blogging brings! I miss the privacy!

So here I am again! And here is our family... :)