Thursday, January 29, 2015

2nd Baby Appt With Midwife

Went wonderfully again!

I had brought up how my exhaustion had not gone away since the first trimester ended. She said even though I was "clinically" not anemic (numbers in the normal range) that she was going to do with me what she does with other moms who have anemic symptoms in the normal range, she was going to treat me with Hema-Plex pills. They have worked wonders so far! I have only been on them for 3 days but I feel a difference :)

I cannot gain weight with this baby! I was 176 before I conceived, then I lost a pound after the 1st trimester sickies and have stayed at that 175 since. Baby is doing great so far, 131 BPM and my uterus is measuring right on track :) So she said not to worry yet, but gave me a list of things to eat to help me gain weight. (I am NOT used to be told to eat good fatty foods during pregnancy, I have usually gained 5 or so pounds by this point :P)

We see baby at a clinic Feb 19 and will tell you guys what he/she is :) (By the way, we are thinking girl)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Banana Bites

What we do is slice up a banana, put peanut butter (or Reeses spread, Nutella, etc) in between 2 slices of the banana and make little banana bites with them! They are slickery little beasts so next time I am sticking a toothpick in each one so they don't slide apart! But they are nummy and semi-healthy (depending on the spread you choose). :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Good Sunday

This is my almost 15 week old belly :) Big milestone! I actually put on make up for the first time in 2 1/2 months! When I reach this stage every pregnancy, I know the sick period is over :)

Bo gave a wonderful talk on Family Prayer at church today! Good job babe :)

Rhycherd went ALL of church in underwear! Funny story: whenever Rhych has to go potty, he says "poddy" while taking off his pants and underwear... Yeah, there he was in Nursery stripping down! They found me ASAP! It was hilarious!

We are all doing great! Happy Sunday!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

My First Midwife Appointment

I had my first baby appt with my midwife this past Tuesday. It was wonderful! Her office was a home basically. It had a kitchen, living room, bathroom, and office. So homey. We sat and talked for an hour! From how my pregnancy was going to how much she charges to hearing my sweet baby's heartbeat for the first time :) I did not feel rushed during this appointment. AND while I was having my appt, my kids were able to run in and out between the office and living room (where some awesome toys were) the whole time. It didn't bother me at all because the nurse kept an eye on them and we were the only family there :)

When we got to my favorite part, hearing my baby's heartbeat, she only used a doppler! I got to leave my bottoms on and just have my shirt raised to my ribs. Perfect little heartbeat by the way, 142 :)

She also did not perform a vaginal exam! She also told me she will not do so unless something seems wrong in the pregnancy or labor, or unless I request it! So happy to hear that!

She of coarse took my weight and checked my urine and I go in for my blood test this week at a lab.

I am loving the midwife experience so much so far!

Follow Me On My Journey With A Home Birth

Before eyebrows are raised, jokes come to mind, or horrifying stories come to you; stop them. You will need to keep an open mind when I write posts about getting ready for this next birth, which will be happening at home with my midwife.

First I feel I should address the reasons why I have chosen to have a home birth:
- I have gone into labor ON MY OWN both times, but when I got to the hospital they felt the need to augment my labors with either Cervidil or Pitocin (Shooting me into pain unimaginable)
- I will get to eat and drink if I feel I need to during labor! By the time I would reach a 10 and need to push, I would already be shaky from low blood sugar because I was NOT ALLOWED to eat in the hospital
- I will get to sit in a bath, walk around, bounce on the exercise ball, WHATEVER I need to do to get through the contractions
- I will NOT have an IV in my hand
- I will not be forced to give birth in the lithotomy position (on back with hips and knees flexed with thighs apart)
- It will be much more intimate, I will only have my hubby, midwife, and nurse there
- I am very much wanting a birth the way it has been done since the beginning of time
- It only costs $2700 for the whole thing, from prenatal appts to post partum

I will keep you all updated with appointments and eventually of course, the birth :)