Thursday, September 11, 2014

I Took The Plunge . . .

And am LOVING it! As you all know from a previous post, I cloth diaper Rhychie with these awesome "hybrid" diapers from Gro-Via. No pins, no folding, just snap in an insert and snap on him. THEN, I went further into it by buying these cool disposable liners (Thanks Sara :) you put on top of the inserts, so that when your kiddo poops, you just lift out the liner and poop and throw it! No need for a special cloth diaper washing bucket! BUT, just yesterday, I started doing something I swore to myself I would never do... I started using reusable cloth wipes! Sounds gross (I know, I used to think so too) But they are quite AMAZING! I just wet them down every night (After washing them), put them in a special container I got for them, and use them like regular wipes (Except for the fact they go into a wet bag until washing). They are so thick and soft and I have only had to use 1 per change, including poops!

I went from spending $50 to $75 a month on disposable diapers and wipes, to just $23 a month on the special soap for the cloth diapers (After the initial buying of diapers)! Not to mention the green factor of reducing MUCHO waste! Cloth diapering is NOT for everyone, it is time consuming but I LOVE the money saved, the earth saving qualities, and the fact that I just enjoy it so much! So, if you feel like taking the plunge too, I recommend it! :)

1 comment:

Kaeloni said...

Go you! I could never! Very impressed!