Monday, April 28, 2014

Child And Pet Safe Bug Sprays

I LOVE Pinterest. And I have found a couple of awesome homemade sprays to keep the pests away!

- 1 part white vinegar to 1 part water

They claimed it was a deterrent and a killer, I tried out this method and found it to STINK at the deterring. The ants, more specifically, were only scared off for about an hour than they were there like nothing had happened. I did find, however, this mixture is FANTASTIC for killing them.

- 15 drops of peppermint essential oil for every 12 ounces of water

This has worked BEAUTIFULLY! I haven't even had the chance to test the killing factor because I have not seen ants since I sprayed this solution along my walls.

Happy Spring!


Kaeloni said...

The peppermint probably smells a whole lot better too :D

The Thomas Fam said...

Oh so much! :P