Sunday, January 4, 2015

Follow Me On My Journey With A Home Birth

Before eyebrows are raised, jokes come to mind, or horrifying stories come to you; stop them. You will need to keep an open mind when I write posts about getting ready for this next birth, which will be happening at home with my midwife.

First I feel I should address the reasons why I have chosen to have a home birth:
- I have gone into labor ON MY OWN both times, but when I got to the hospital they felt the need to augment my labors with either Cervidil or Pitocin (Shooting me into pain unimaginable)
- I will get to eat and drink if I feel I need to during labor! By the time I would reach a 10 and need to push, I would already be shaky from low blood sugar because I was NOT ALLOWED to eat in the hospital
- I will get to sit in a bath, walk around, bounce on the exercise ball, WHATEVER I need to do to get through the contractions
- I will NOT have an IV in my hand
- I will not be forced to give birth in the lithotomy position (on back with hips and knees flexed with thighs apart)
- It will be much more intimate, I will only have my hubby, midwife, and nurse there
- I am very much wanting a birth the way it has been done since the beginning of time
- It only costs $2700 for the whole thing, from prenatal appts to post partum

I will keep you all updated with appointments and eventually of course, the birth :)

1 comment:

Kaeloni said...

I watched an interesting documentary about how hospitals are like businesses. if you aren't progressing as fast as they think they will give Cervidil or Pitocin. they also are quicker to do c-sections if the baby isn't born in time. The cost is awesome! Can't beat that. You are brave. I am too wimpy to do a home-birth but I'm so excited for you!