Monday, November 7, 2016

November 6th and 7th

6th: I am grateful for how our physical trials could have been worse, but were not. Laneah only fractured her wrist, did not fully break it. Only my kneecap dislocated, not my whole knee. I have seen God's mercy in sparing us from worse.

7th: I am grateful for the things that make my life as a mom easier. Pregnancy pillows, nipple cream, baby gear that vibrates, disposable diapers, I could go on and on. I live in a day and age where there is so much available to me, and I love it :)


A Joyful Chaos said...

Enjoying seeing how people are looking for things to be thankful for. So encouraging.


The Thomas Fam said...

Thank you Joyful Chaos :)